Breast Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment (BCU)

Breast cancer requires precise diagnostics and comprehensive treatment, well-coordinated in time and carried out with the participation of the most experienced specialists. The Oncology Centre in Bydgoszcz provides combination therapy for breast cancer: surgical treatment, teleradiotherapy, brachytherapy, chemotherapy, breast reconstruction surgery, physiotherapy, and psychological care.

In 2017, the Oncology Centre in Bydgoszcz received the International Certificate of Breast Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment – Breast Cancer Unit (BCU). The opening of a specialized centre is another milestone, allowing patients to be provided with the highest level of care, corresponding to the standards and achievements of modern medicine. The Breast Cancer Unit assists and increases the effectiveness of early detection of breast cancer. It also provides high-quality information on the system to combat this type of tumour in all necessary aspects.

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