Social worker

Patients of the Oncology Center in Bydgoszcz can benefit from the help of a social worker.

His tasks include:

  • examining the patient’s environment and his social and living situation
  • cooperation with the family to ensure comprehensive social care for the patient
  • consultancy in the field of benefits (pension and disability judgments, judgments degree of disability, assistance in completing applications)
  • assistance in organizing care after leaving the hospital
  • support and comprehensive assistance in the preparation and submission of documentation in order to place the patient in a hospice, care and treatment facility, nursing home, shelter
  • assistance regarding the patient’s social matters
  • informing about procedures that occur in various institutions
  • conducting an environmental interview in order to obtain the right to healthcare services financed from public funds, benefits and placement in a social welfare home
  • cooperation with social welfare centers, institutions and non-governmental organizations
  • referring the patient and his family to aid institutions
  • emotional support for the patient and his family

Monday Friday,
time. 7.30 – 15.00

room no. 169,
1st floor (Spiritual Support Team)


Call Center (52)3743110

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