Internships and apprenticeships

Internships and apprenticeships
All forms of didactic and practical classes are conducted on the basis of contracts and agreements concluded by the Oncology Centre and the referring unit.
Directional internship
Directional internships for medical doctors during specialization are conducted on the basis of a referral for an internship by the medical entities employing them and the Application downloaded from the website.
The following must be submitted not later than on the first day of the internship:
- a photocopy of a document confirming the insurance coverage against civil liability and accident insurance during the implementation of the Contract;
- valid medical certificate confirming the ability to work;
- hepatitis B type vaccinations;
- certificate of training in the field of health and safety and fire protection.
In the case of a directional internship in surgical wards, you must additionally provide an epidemiological inquiry of the trainee, intern, guest, downloaded from the website.
In accordance with the procedures of the Oncology Centre, all persons from outside the Oncology Centre who actively participate in surgical procedures in the Surgery Rooms Department are tested for Staphylococcus aureus.
In order to provide a smear sample, you should report to an Epidemiology Specialist at least 14 days before the start of your stay at the Oncology Centre – main hospital building, room no. R42, lower ground floor, by prior appointment by phone – number 52 3743399.
If it is not possible to come to the Centre in order to collect swabs, the person concerned is obliged to provide, on the first day of stay, test results for staphylococcus aureus from another facility, to the Centre’s Epidemiology Specialist. The result must not be earlier than 14 days before the arrival – the Oncology Centre does not cover the costs of these tests.
Summer internship
Summer internships are conducted on the basis of the Application downloaded from the website and the contract concluded between the Oncology Centre and the university. Applications for internships are accepted until April 30th.
Internship in the Pharmacy
Internships in the hospital pharmacy are conducted on the basis of referrals from the university and the Application downloaded from the website.
Practical vocational courses
The participants of this form of practical classes are students of schools providing vocational education referred on the basis of an agreement concluded between the school and the Centre.
Internships are conducted on the basis of referrals from the school and the Application downloaded from the website.
Competitions organized by entities providing postgraduate education in medical professions
Classes conducted on the basis of a contract for conducting Centre based classes with entities providing postgraduate education in medical professions.
Internship / specialization of a person directed by an entity providing postgraduate education, excluding the specialization of medical doctors
Participants of internships / specializations are persons training in the form of postgraduate education in medical professions directed by entities providing education on the basis of an agreement concluded between the Centre and the training organizer and the Application downloaded from the website.
Didactic classes with students
This form of classes comprises exercises, seminars, lectures, and practical classes conducted at the Centre with students during the academic year.
The basis for conducting this type of classes is an agreement concluded between the Centre and the university referring students to classes. Participants of the classes do not submit an application for participation in the classes.
Principles of obtaining and collecting data for the purposes of writing a research / master’s / bachelor’s thesis, etc.
Persons writing their research papers: master’s, bachelor’s, etc. are subject to referral issued by the university or research unit where the person concerned is employed, on the basis of the Application downloaded from the website.
If the application concerns conducting questionnaires, tests among patients, their families or staff, the person concerned shall submit additionally:
- templates of questionnaires, templates of consents and templates of information for patients, their families or staff;
- Application to the Bioethics Committee for an opinion on a research project, if the research is conducted among patients, their families or staff in the field of medical data.
If the application concerns the acquisition of medical data, the person concerned submits additionally:
- a completed form – Consent to use data about patients of the Oncology Centre
- a letter with the scope of medical data that the person concerned intends to obtain;
- Application to the Bioethics Committee for an opinion on a research project, if the research concerns collecting medical data, medical statistical data and conducting research among patients, their families or staff in the field of medical data.
Before the commencement of the classes, each participant is obliged to participate in training in the following areas: health and safety and fire protection; nosocomial infections; information security and personal data protection and radiation protection (optional).
Training dates will be published in the “news – events”
Before the start of classes, each participant is obliged to participate in training in the following areas: health and safety and fire protection; nosocomial infections; information security and personal data protection and radiation protection (optional).
Applications and documents required to carry out the classes, as well as all information related to the organization of practical classes at the Center, should be sent to the Administrative Clerk:
Building E, 1st floor, room 104
We offer:
- directional internships
- summer internship
- internships at the Pharmacy
- practical vocational training
- courses
- didactic classes