Clinical Department of Thoracic Surgery and Tumors

Everything under one roof
Lung cancer is the primary concern of the Department Team. We also provide surgical treatment of neoplastic lung metastases, invasive diagnostics of chest tumours and mediastinal lymph nodes. We have the trust of the patients. Each year, approximately 1,300 people are hospitalized in the department.
The Oncology Centre in Bydgoszcz offers our patients the most modern diagnostics, multidisciplinary oncological treatment with access to the latest radiotherapy, personalized chemical treatment, drug programs and clinical trials, comprehensive adjunct treatment (psycho-oncology, dietetics, rehabilitation, social counselling).
Modern diagnostics of respiratory and thoracic diseases
We conduct a quick diagnostics of chest neoplasms providing access to the most modern imaging methods: ultrasound, computed tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance, isotope tests, positron emission tomography (PET-CT) and resonance (PET-MR). We provide full endoscopic diagnostics of the respiratory system: rigid bronchoscopy, fiberoscopic bronchoscopy, AFI bronchoscopy, bronchial biopsy under the control of bronchosonography (EBUS-TBNA) and others.

Minimally invasive surgery
In the treatment of diseases of the chest organs (respiratory system and mediastinum) we mainly use minimally invasive techniques. As much as 80% of radical surgeries are performed with these methods. This also applies to treatments for radical lung cancer, mediastinal tumours and metastatic changes in the lungs. Minimally invasive methods (Videotoracoscopy and VATS) allow our patients to recover faster and reduce the level of post-operative pain. Patients do not experience such severe pain as with traditional treatments, and the likelihood of complications is reduced.
The Department’s medical team consists of thoracic surgery specialists and lung diseases specialists. We conduct diagnostic and treatment procedures as a team. A two-way look at the patient improves the quality of our work and results in a gentler course of treatment. A group of pulmonologists examine the respiratory parameters of candidates for surgical treatment, cooperate in the preparation of the patient for surgery, and care for him/ her in the postoperative course. A group of trained thoracic surgeons perform surgeries using modern methods of minimally invasive surgery.
Multidisciplinary Lung Cancer Centre (Lung Cancer Centre Bydgoszcz)
To ensure a full range of diagnostics, surgical treatment, qualifications and conduct of oncological treatment (radiotherapy, chemotherapy) and to ensure the comfort and safety of our patients, we have adapted our procedures and work organization to European requirements. The adaptation of Polish conditions to the requirements of the Lung Cancer Centre Bydgoszcz certification resulted in many organizational changes, the purchase of additional equipment and hiring new employees involved in the implementation of the centre’s tasks and providing patients with additional comfort and professional medical, social and psycho-oncological care.
Prevention and early detection of lung cancer
Together with the Department of Prevention and Health Promotion, we also implement the “Program for the early detection and prevention of lung cancer for the inhabitants of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship”. The program consists of informational and educational activities, clarifying doubts regarding the prevention of lung cancer, providing anti-smoking advice, training medical, nursing and support staff in the field of lung cancer detection, performing low-dose computed tomography (NDTK) tests of the chest, which quickly, non-invasively and painlessly detect early lung lesions; as well as the establishment of the Lung Cancer Screening Centre.

Counselling and outpatient care
We provide outpatient advice at the Thoracic and Cancer Surgery Outpatient Clinic. Counselling includes qualification for diagnostic tests, hospital diagnosis and surgical treatment. We also provide postoperative care for our patients. Lung cancer patients remain under our outpatient supervision for 5 years.
We have increased access to outpatient counselling by opening an additional Pulmonology Outpatient Clinic for patients with suspected lung cancer.
We intensified and formally regulated psycho-oncological and dietary counselling.
We run a Smokers’ Assistance Clinic with the task of providing multidisciplinary help in quitting the tobacco addiction.
Since 2002, the Department of Thoracic and Cancer Surgery of the Collegium Medicum of the Nicolaus Copernicus University has been operating on the basis of the Department. The main research interests of the Department Team are the application of molecular tests in targeted treatment of lung cancer patients, the so-called personalized oncology.
For examination at the Thoracic and Cancer Surgery Outpatient Clinic and Pulmonology Outpatient Clinic, in addition to paper medical documentation, also remember to bring imaging tests recorded on a CD.
When coming to the hospital for inpatient treatment, take all paper medical records and CDs with imaging tests with you.
On a sheet of paper, make a list of regularly taken medications.
Please be patient. We will perform your diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.
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Department Coordinator
Maciej Dancewicz, MD, PhD
Head of the Department
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Head of Medical Care
Anna Sędłak, MSc
- odbywają się codziennie w godzinach od 15.00-17.30,
- rekomenduje się wejście na oddział tylko 1 osoby odwiedzającej,
- osoby z objawami infekcji nie mogą odwiedzać pacjentów,
- przypominamy o obowiązku noszenia maseczki podczas całego pobytu w Centrum Onkologii
Przyjęcie do Oddziału
Izba Przyjęć znajduje się na niskim parterze w tylnej części Budynku Głównego. Z jej usług korzystają osoby skierowane do planowanej hospitalizacji oraz pacjenci leczeni w Centrum Onkologii, u których nastąpiło nagłe pogorszenie stanu zdrowia.
Pacjenci zgłaszający się do przyjęcia powinni mieć dowód osobisty lub inny dokument potwierdzający tożsamość.
Po rejestracji w Recepcji Izby Przyjęć chory udaje się do przebieralni, jeśli zachodzi taka potrzeba pielęgniarka/ sanitariusz pomaga choremu przy przebraniu się. Pacjent przekazuje okrycia wierzchnie rodzinie lub pozostawia je na przechowanie w depozycie szpitalnym. Na oddział docelowy chory udaje się sam lub jeśli zachodzi taka potrzeba jest zaprowadzony lub przewieziony przez sanitariusza Izby Przyjęć.
Szpital nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za rzeczy pozostawione w szafkach przy łóżku chorego, dlatego też wszelkie wartościowe przedmioty (np. pieniądze, biżuteria, karty płatnicze) należy zostawić w domu lub przekazać do Depozytu Rzeczy Wartościsiowych mieszczącego się w Kasie Centrum Onkologii.
Co zabrać ze sobą do szpitala?
- leki oryginalnych opakowaniach + dokumentację medyczną + nagrania płyt z badaniami
- piżamę,
- ręcznik,
- kapcie, klapki pod prysznic,
- wygodne ubranie bawełniane np. dres,
- bieliznę osobistą,
- szlafrok,
- środki czystości (mydło, szampon, szczotkę i pastę do zębów, dezodorant)
- przybory toaletowe (grzebień, przybory do golenia itd.)
Co można zabrać:
- sztućce,
- kubek,
- wodę mineralną niegazową,
- kawę/herbatę,
- chusteczki higieniczne,
- środki higieny osobistej (podpaski),
- książki, czasopisma,
- telefon komórkowy + ładowarkę