Laboratory Diagnostics Department

Laboratory Diagnostics Department provides medical services consisting in the study of the qualitative and quantitative composition of morphotic elements, substances, enzymes and immunobiochemical markers in blood, bone marrow, urine, faeces and body fluids.
The Department performs tests for patients of the Oncology Center – hospital and outpatient, as well as for external clients (according to the concluded contract) and individual clients.
The tests are performed by qualified and experienced personnel using advanced technologies and modern equipment that guarantee high reliability of test results.
The Department participates in national and international programs of checking the reliability of the performed tests, which confirm that the laboratory operates in accordance with the best practice. In 2015, the Department was one of the few in Poland to obtain PCA accreditation No. AM 010 according to PN-EN ISO 15189:2013-05.
The scope of accreditation of the Department of Laboratory Diagnostics is presented in the following two documents:
The Principal/Client, by contacting by phone or e-mail, may ask the Laboratory Manager about the possibility of including a specific test in the scope of accreditation. The submitted inquiry will be registered in the form of an application and considered by the Laboratory Manager in consultation with the Principal / requesting client.

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Head of Department
Agnieszka Kaczmarczyk, MSc
e-mail: |
Head of Technicians
Anetta Słupicka, MSc
- hematologii
- hemostazy
- biochemii i immunologii
- markerów nowotworowych
- diagnostyki hormonalnej
- analityki ogólnej