At the Oncology Centre, you can register for an appointment at the outpatient clinic in person from Monday to Friday from 7.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. at the RECEPTION DESK in the building of the Polyclinic.
During the first registration, a patient file is created. It is possible to set it up over the phone, but during the first visit, the Patient will be asked to complete the necessary information at the Patient Service Office. You will need an ID card for this. When the file is created, the Patient receives an ID number, which is his or her “calling card” in the Oncology Centre. It should be provided at subsequent registrations, in addition, the treatment history and the list of administered drugs is associated with the ID. While insurance matters – with the PESEL number.
DiLO card
The Oncology Diagnostics and Treatment Card (DiLO), known as the Oncology Card, is a special referral issued by primary care physicians or specialists from specialist clinics.
A patient who receives an oncology card should should call the Call Center or report to the Reception Desk in the building of the Center Polyclinic in order to make an appointment at the clinic.
After a tumour is diagnosed, the oncological treatment process begins in accordance with the principles of current medical knowledge. Follow-up visits after treatment are performed in accordance with the current guidelines of the Oncology Centre.
The Oncology Centre in Bydgoszcz conducts diagnostics and treatment of the following malignant neoplasms:
- breast cancer – the oncology clinic in the field of breast cancer or the breast disease clinic,
- tumours of female genital organs – gynaecological oncology clinic,
- lung and chest cancer – thoracic surgery clinic
- other diseases of the respiratory system – pulmonary clinic
- tumours of the urinary system and male genital organs – urology clinic
- tumours of the digestive tract (oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, rectum, liver, pancreas) – the oncological surgery clinic
- skin melanomas – the oncological surgery clinic
- brain tumours (after diagnosis/treatment in a neurosurgical centre) – radiotherapy clinic,
- thyroid tumours – endocrinology clinic,
- tumours of the craniofacial and upper respiratory tract – ENT clinic,
- lymphomas – the oncology clinic. The Oncology Centre does not deal with the treatment of leukaemias and other haematological diseases, except for lymphomas
- suspicion of soft tissue and bone sarcomas – the oncology surgery clinic
The Oncological Diagnostics and Treatment Card (DiLO) is an element of the Oncological Package, introduced in 2015. Thanks this card, a patient with suspected cancer enters the path of rapid diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
DiLO card issuing
If, on the basis of the performed examinations, the primary care physician decides that there is suspicted cancer and it is necessary to refer the patient to a specific specialist, the physician issues an oncological diagnosis and treatment card, the so-called DiLO. This card belongs to the patient, it replaces the referral and documents the entire process of diagnosis and treatment.

In addition to a primary care physician, DiLO card can also be issued by a doctor of another specialty (Clinics that deal with this are labelled with a board with a green logo “Quick Oncological Therapy” the list of which is available on the website of a given voivodeship branch of the National Health Fund [NFZ].)
- 28 days – this is the time a specialist clinic has for initial diagnostics, aiming to confirm or exclude a neoplasm;
- 21 days – this is how long should take the so-called in-depth diagnostics, determining the type, stage and location of the neoplasm.
Hospital in an oncology package
The method and schedule of treatment is decided by a case council (a team of doctors of various specialties). The time for the convening a case council and commencement of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks from the date of the patient’s admission to the hospital. After the diagnosis is made – before or after surgery, the patient may be referred to a case council and undergo further stages of treatment (e.g. chemotherapy, radiotherapy, brachytherapy).
After the treatment is completed, the coordinator hands over the documentation and recommendations to the specialist who will continue to look after the patient. If he decides that the patient’s health is under control, the patient will be referred, together with recommendations for long-term care, to a primary care physician.
Telephone Medical Information enables telephone registration. In order to make an appointment, you only need to state your ID or PESEL (personal identification number). Via the Call Centre you may also obtain important medical information, establish a medical history, be reminded about an appointment date as well as to find out how to prepare yourself for medical tests.
Monday – Friday 7.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
(052) 374 31 10
During the first registration, a patient file is created. It is possible to set it up over the phone, but during the first visit, the Patient will be asked to complete the necessary information at the Patient Service Office. You will need an ID card for this. When the file is created, the Patient receives an ID number, which is his or her “calling card” in the Oncology Centre. It should be provided at subsequent registrations, in addition the treatment history and the list of administered drugs is associated with the ID. While insurance matters – with the PESEL number.