Department of Prevention and Health Promotion

At the Department of Prevention and Health Promotion, we organize screening tests and health education (stationary and outgoing). We organize lectures, teach women how to self-examine breasts, and make the general public aware of the importance of preventive examinations and a healthy lifestyle. The following outpatient clinics operate within the Department:
- Breast Diseases,
- Gynaecological,
- Genetic.
The Department performs tests in the field of oncological prophylaxis:
- cervix – smear tests – free of charge, without a referral, are dedicated to women between 25-59 years of age once every 36 months
- breasts – mammography – free, without referral, for women aged 50-69 once every 24 months; the test is also performed in a “mammobus” that reaches many remote locations in the region
- chest – low-dose computed tomography – more information is available on the website
- genetic care
The Department conducts educational activities both among adolescents and adults, both stationary and outgoing. Educational meetings are held to raise general pro-health awareness. Knowledge is transferred about the enormous importance of preventive examinations and a healthy lifestyle based on the European Code Against Cancer. For several years, the program “School in oncological prevention” has been organized together with the Board of Education in Bydgoszcz. Properly trained teachers (certificate of an oncology educator) implement innovative preventive programs in their schools. They are then assessed and rewarded by awarding the schools the title of “School Promoting the Recommendations of the European Code Against Cancer”.
The Department of Prevention and Health Promotion is located in building “D”.
Department Coordinator
Tomasz Mierzwa, MD, PhD