Genetic counseling

The genetic outpatient clinic at the Oncology Centre is intended for people with suspected or diagnosed cancer diseases.
After a medical consultation and drafting of a detailed genetic lineage, it is possible to qualify for a blood test, in order to isolate the gene responsible for the formation of cancer.
The basis for genetic testing is the drafting of the so-called the genetic lineage of the patient. It is on this basis that the qualification for blood tests is carried out in order to isolate the gene co-responsible for the formation of cancer. Persons with a diagnosed mutation, their families and other people with a compromised lineage remain under oncological and genetic care with the possibility of periodic preventive examinations.

The most frequently inherited are the neoplasms of:
- Breasts
- Ovary
- Large intestine
- Prostate
- Thyroid gland
- Melanoma
Thanks to genetic tests revealing cancer susceptibility, it is possible to prevent the disease or to detect it very early.
More information is provided at the Registration at the Genetic Outpatient Clinic – (52) 374 38 80
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